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Please mail [1801 Dove St, Newport Beach CA 92660], fax [949-679-2525] or email completed form to


When we receive your completed form:

  • We will call you directly to verbally confirm the form is from you, and
  • The information will be added to your records here at Compak.

Who Is Your Trusted Contact?

  • Your contacts may be personal or professional (i.e. attorney, CPA.) and over the age of 18.
  • Your contacts may not include a Compak staff member.
  • Naming a Trusted Contact is voluntary, and is in no way required.

This person is someone that Compak can contact if financial exploitation is suspected, or they suspect the investor is suffering a notable cognitive decline. You can change or remove a trusted contact at any time by contacting Compak.

Use of a Trusted Contact

A Trusted Contact CAN be used for:

  • Questions and concerns about your whereabouts or health status.
  • Suspicion that you may be a victim of fraud or financial exploitation.
  • Suspicion that you may no longer be able to handle your own affairs.
  • Confirmation of your legal guardian, executor, trustee, authorized trader, or power of attorney
  • Compak is unable to contact you about your accounts with us.

A Trusted Contact CANNOT be used for:

  • Authorization to make investment decisions, provide account information (e.g. balances), withdraw funds, or transact any business on your behalf.

Compak may put a hold on disbursements of cash or securities from accounts if they suspect the withdrawals or transactions amount to financial exploitation. In such circumstances, they are asked to get in touch with the investor, the trusted contact, and adult protective services or law enforcement agencies, if necessary.

Investment advisory services offered through Compak Asset Management, a Registered Investment Adviser.
Securities offered through Registered Representatives of Compak Securities, Inc. (Member FINRA, SIPC).