Protecting your family and your assets is just as important as accumulating them. No matter how diligently you build your financial empire, failure to purchase adequate insurance can put you in a desperate hole in a heartbeat.

Risk Management & Insurance

On the other side of the coin, few things will attack your investment returns more insidiously than paying too much for insurance, or worse, paying for insurance you don’t need. From college education to retirement to estate planning, the Compak wealth management process can help offer the solutions necessary for financial peace of mind.

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Life Insurance

Creating a life insurance plan for your family can be confusing and frustrating. Your Compak representative can help you avoid the potential problems and design a custom plan that fits your needs and budget. We can help you understand the benefits and features of numerous life insurance options. Working together, we can create precisely the kind of life insurance plan you need and can afford.

Long Term Care Insurance

There is a growing awareness in our society of the need for both long-term care services and benefits. This is due to a number of trends such as longer life expectancies, constantly increasing health costs, and limits to the benefits provided by traditional insurance products and government programs.

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Disability Insurance

While most Americans insure their lives and physical possessions such as homes and cars, many overlook the need to protect their most valuable asset – their ability to earn an income. When disability strikes, not only does the income ability decline dramatically, but the cost of living may also increase due to increased medical and care expenses.


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Financial Planning


Retirement Planning


Estate Planning