June 4, 2021 Javaid A

June Market & Economic Outlook Webinar with Moe Ansari

Moe Ansari gives an outlook for the market in June. Make sure to register here for the webinar!

Topics include

  • Moe Ansari will share his outlook on the markets during the summer – Are we looking at Summer Sizzle or Summer Doldrums?
  • Coronavirus Pandemic – The States are fully re-opening and lifting all mandates over the next couple of months. What are people planning for the summer? How might it effect the markets?
  • U.S. Economy – Last webinar mentioned “Pent-Up Demand”, what’s the update on that demand and can companies meet supply? Shortages in the silicon, lumber, and numerous raw materials draws concern that despite companies bouncing back quickly, will they be able to produce? How may the economic speed bumps effect the markets?
  • U.S. and Global Equity and Fixed Income Markets – With the largest stimulus ever seen, inflation concerns are rising. How will America fare with potential inflation in the economy?
  • Cryptocurrencies – Cryptos have shown potential volatility this month, what is the outlook for the sector?
  • Technical Analysis – Moe will cover the technicals on major indexes globally and analyze the possible trajectory of the market for the month.
  • The Compak Difference – Learn more about Compak’ s Portfolio Management and Financial Planning approach and see what makes the advisory unique.
  • What is your Risk Number(TM)? – Riskalyze – Capture your risk tolerance and see if your portfolio fits you.
  • Live Q&A with Moe during the webinar
  • More topics will be added as we get closer to the webinar date!

There is no cost for this webinar. Upon completion of this inquiry form, you will be contacted by a Compak representative to confirm availability and provide you access to the webinar.

Also, if you would like to see Moe in action before the webinar, view his latest video update on YouTube! After registering here, head to Compak’s YouTube page by clicking here!